"  R A I S I N G  T O G E T H E R "
B A N G K I T  B E R S A M A 

AUGUST 19th to 30th 2017, when Malaysia roars out loud to welcome the world for its grand hosting of the most awaited event of the year, the 29th South East Asean games!

The arenas are set and equipped - as it gracefully opens its arms, embracing top class athletes with a big welcome. 

In these arena,you will see top class competitive athletes hailing from 11 neighboring nations,marching in with one goal in mind,which is to bring back the GOLD for their beloved nation.

The 29th SEA Games will be grandly held at the National Stadium of Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which will showcase  a series of 38 sports discipline competing over 404 events.

Meet the mighty yet friendly  RIMAU!
The official  mascot of the 29th SEA GAMES 2017. Rimau takes up the role of the Malayan Tiger, which is Malaysia's national emblem portraying the Malaysian pride. He is  the advocate of   RESPECT - INTEGRITY

An army of 600 over Malaysian warriors representing their nation to face off with best of the best. A standing ovation and a big salute to these sports warriors for braving themselves up, striving with consistency, with unparalleled level of discipline, shedding every drop of sweat and blood to bring home glory for their nation.

Every Malaysian's Wish To All Sports Warriors
"Our wishes goes out well and loud to all to these amazing warriors competing in the tracks,fields,pool,courts and arena.You are the gems of your very own respective nations."

You all will always be hailed as national heroes.The very nature of sport is, there will be victories and setbacks.However the most important point is,you great warriors are bringing the world together, uniting people of all walks of life, regardless of gender, status, race, religion and color. Sports unites the nation and the world, and you great athletes are the ambassadors of these noble trait.


The memories, records, achievements, sweat, tears and pain will be YOURS and NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT FROM YOU !
It was your - 1 SHOT AT LIFE!

It really does not matter if you were a podium finisher, but we know that you gave your best. 

As proud Malaysians,we will always be behind your back regardless of the outcome.

The bottom line is ...

