Safari World, Bangkok - Thailand


We all know where that greetings come from! If you’re heading to the Land of Elephants, with your kids, you must must must spend a moment at the SAFARI WORLD, Bangkok. The park opens as early as 0900hrs and hosts two attractions in its vicinity.

Operation Hours:
Safari Park   9.00am – 4.30pm
Marine Park 9.00am – 5.00pm

Entrance tickets at the counter begin from 900 THB (1 park admission) for children and extends to 1500 THB for adults to enjoy both parks.

GET YOUR TICKETS ONLINE in comparison to over the counter. The official website however does not offer online tickets, hence, it is best to purchase from your regular service providers for better offers. You may also top up additional Lunch (Indian Food - catering for Veg and Non-Vegetarians) for a small fee when you purchase your tickets.

At the SAFARI WORLD, you can enjoy a ride through the safari where the animals roam freely at their leisure. You can check with your transporter if they are licensed to drive into the Safari, OR you may purchase the Safari Coach ticket over the counter for a minimal 40 THB.

** Due to SAFETY reasons, it is a lot more advisable to take the Coach as the driver is experienced in comparison to a transport driver – at least in the Safari.

The safari allows you to view the wild African and Asian animals up-close through your 5km drive through the wilderness. You will witness rhinos, deers, bears, zebras and other tropical birds in their natural habitat. You will be able to capture beautiful photos along your ride.

Watch these carnivores being fed daily at 10am and YES! You are promised an unforgettable experience watching them being fed live! Don’t worry as the LIONS and BENGAL TIGERS are kept in a electric double gate enclosure - they cant escape the Zoo but you're safe so long you remain inside your vehicle! ☺

As I missed the Tiger Feeding activity, I was pretty resolute to personally feed the giraffes. Buckets of fruits are available at 100THB at the terrace. Aside from the Giraffe odour, feeding the giraffes and coming face to face with them in close proximity was fun. The giraffe terrace is open from 9am to 4.30pm.

MARINE PARK is requires a lot of walking and strollers can be rented for smaller kids at the entrance. At this park, you can find amongst the various animals there, Giant Fishes, Orang utans, Walrus, Crocs, Manatee and Seals.

 After lunch, you would like to head to the DOLPHIN SHOW at 1.45pm where you will be entertained by these intelligent mammals. The seating is free and fills up very fast. You may want to head there earlier to a good seat. After the show, you will be given an opportunity to catch a photo with the star of the show – YES! With the Dolphin!

That was our favourite part of the entire show - to be able to touch the dolphin. The photo session will however cost you 700 THB (for up to 4 people), well – a few more family members in your photos won’t hurt no?

There is a RIVER SAFARI operating from 10.00am – 4.30pm onsite as well as the Mini World from 9.00am – 4.30pm.

As you can see, the Safari World is huge and thoroughly requires much walking around and you will have to see it for yourself to believe it.

RESTAURANTS onsite also cater for Indian Food, aside from the local menu. The Indian restaurant can be located just outside the River Safari, in a building that resembles a Castle.

OTHER ANIMAL SHOWS throughout the Marine Park include the following:

Orang Utan              10.20am
Sea Lion                  11.00am
Cowboy Stunt         11.40am
Elephant Show        11.40am
Dolphins                   1.45pm
Spy War                    2.45pm
Bird Show                 3.40pm

Well, as you can imagine by now, the Safari World is quite a ONE DAY affair, and with children, you may want to bring their essentials together with you when you leave your car/van for the Safari World.
Elephant Paintings - catch them during the Elephant show

The early bird catches the worm’ arrive early to get the best of the activities and hoping that you found this blog informative, drop us your comments and queries, and we will be glad to assist you!

Anticipating that you will enjoy your time at the Safari World as much as we did with our family. Follow our adventures on insta: priya.yorindren 💕

póp gan mài

Till the next adventure!
Yorain & Priya

99, Panyaintra Road, Samwatawantok,
Klongsamwa, Bangkok 10510, Thailand
