Travellingas fun and exciting as it may sound is on the other hand a test to even the tightest of bonds - from transit times, activities during the trip to budgeting. You may often find yourself in a fix or an uncomfortable position having to cater to mounting expenses, spending too much time at an activity that does not interest you, or having to accommodate a travel partner who is of the other extreme. A photography enthusiasts who loves lingering around or goes missing from the group to catch unique photos versus A traveller who wants to see as much as you can in the place. To someone who needs all things planned out versus a spontaneous traveller who prefers to figure things out when the time comes!
Sounds familiar? Well we have helped list out things that can assist in your upcoming trips.

Is the main vacation goal to relax and recover from work – or would it be to just a FOODIE trip with late nights and everything your tummy can digest – or would it be to get out of your comfort zones and experience all the adventures the place has to offer.  As much as we may love going with a group of friends – setting the main vacation goal will assist everyone to be on the same page and pretty much knows what to expect. It is completely OKAY! for anyone to drop out from the group as it may not suit their idea of a holiday.
These goals should however be very clear to everyone coming onboard as you will not want someone to spoil the vacay for you! For example: if you are going to hike a mountain to catch the sunrise – you definitely cannot have someone who is unable to be on tie without being grumpy due to lack of sleep too! Or you sure as hell can’t have 1 adventure seeker to a group of 5 other shopaholics!

Yup! It might sound like the FIRST THING YOU DO in any trip, but read on - budgeting is as important as setting the travel goal – ensure everyone is well aware of the trip costs and is able to stretch it slightly in an event you DO come across anything fancy during your trip. You will not want a miser on your trip or someone who calculates every penny. Setting your budget ahead will also spare you ample of time to check on currency exchanges from time to time and make changes as and when the exchange rate is good. Avoid keeping the exchange to the very last moment before you fly! That will truly leave you to an uncompromising rate!

If you are carrying a credit/debit card – remember to call the customer service to inform and request them to allow your cards to be used for overseas transactions.

1. After having all the above checked! Remember to ask your Tour Agent/Provider of the WEATHER/SEASON during your trip. This will save you unnecessary expenditures upon arrival and during your stay – (budgeting for winter clothes or other requirements upon arrival)

2. Check with your Tour Provider if there are VISA’s required and if they should be done in your residing country or upon arrival – this may add to your overall cost and budgeting aside from your travel and tour expenses.

3. Set your budget for the Visa Application and ensure SUFFICIENT TIME for the Approval Process. Unless it is a 24hrs approval – best to allow 2 to 3 weeks time in between, taking into account weekends and public holidays.

4. Be sure to check if your country of destination has been issued any TRAVEL ADVISORY that may concern your safety and disrupt your travel plans. Example: Zika Virus, The Mt. Agung Eruption in Bali and the Closure of Boracay for 6 months.


You are required to have minimum 6 months VALIDITY on your PASSPORT before you are allowed to check in your flight tickets. ENSURE YOUR VALIDITY to avoid unnecessary hassle and delays. IF AN EMERGENCY arises in the airport – check your nearest IMIGRATION or UTC centres. For example: If you face an unforeseen circumstances with your family or travelling partner, or anyone in your Group at KLIA – the nearest would be the Putrajaya Imigration and if it is a Saturday – head to the PUDURAYA UTC where you can get your passport done in an HOUR! In time to catch your flight/next flight.
Ever had a partner who constantly is required to check their EMAILs and WatsApp during your trip? Well having ground rules about work during your Honeymoon and Vacation is essential and if you have no choice but to check them daily – try settling them during your free times. Last but not least, if you are irritable without good and fast WI-FI, do ensure your hotel provides it or consider having your own mobile HOTSPOT – to avoid stressing everyone else or worst still – your spouse during your Honeymoon.

SHARED TOUR may cost you slightly cheaper compared to a PRIVATE TOUR. Aside from the budget factor, do consider your personal privacy before deciding to choose your tour type.

SHARED TOURS has a fixed itinerary, times of departures and may at times require leaving your hotel at odd hours to pick other travellers and arrive on time for the activity of the day. Having children with you or if you are on a relaxing holiday – do have in mind that a shared tour will require you to tolerate the excitement of other passengers singing, babies crying and also expect delays. On the brighter side – if you are on a trip to make new friends – do take the shared tours as you may end up expanding your network.

PRIVATE TOURS gives you the allowance and freedom of time, space and planning out your activity. This is also suitable if your group consists of elderly and aged grandparents that may require their time in moving about and getting ready as well as if you are having your little ones in your trip. 

Having to identify your differences will benefit in choosing a destination with activities you and your group will all enjoy. Some may want to dunk in the pool, and the activity of the day, while others may head for a massage or window shop instead. Identifying differences also encompasses your MEAL PREFERENCES from Vegetarian, Vegan to PORK/BEEF free meals. Having a couple of travellers who would want to try a specific dish in a country that may offend the preference of others, might minus some fun in your trip – as well as having these preferences identified – helps you source for the nearest available eateries.

We are all unique and have our strengths. Allocate your job responsibilities accordingly, be it on a Honeymoon trip or a Family Vacay. Identify your roles and trust that person to avoid conflicts and clashes of opinions.

For example: my duties are usually setting out the logistics, ground tours and budgets while upon arrival to the destination – all my notes and contact details are handed over to Hubster who takes on from there with the coordination with the driver or on occasions where he drives, he does all navigations and decisions hence forth. Most photos are taken by Lil Sissy while parent’s are left free and easy.

Emergencies and set-backs may take place with someone falling ill or weather conditions requiring the activity to be carried forward. Having a day or two to rest or with light activities will promise a much more full-filling trip. By not over scheduling, you allow yourself sufficient time to handle any travel or work emergency that arises.

We hope that this would be of great help in planning out your next STRESS FREE holiday! Looking forward to your suggestions, experiences and comments.
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